Sunday 20 January 2013

Buddocks to you.

No, not Buttocks.  I'm talking about tasty hot buns.  Oh, now I'm really digging myself in deeper.

OK. Start again.

Delicious meat and cabbage filled bread rolls.  There.  That sounds better, doesn't it?  :)

OK, I'm hooked. Tell me more.

Allright.  It started when I watched the video from the Aimless Chef, and decided to try them for myself.  Boy, am I glad I did.

We'll get the recipe out of the way first.  You can find Jay's recipe here.

So, I tried them.  Last week.  They were good.

So why am I blogging about them today?  Well, the recipe Jay posted makes enough dough to make 24 rolls, so I froze half of it, along with half the filling, and decided to thaw and use it tonight, seeing as I'm having a lazy day at home.

Thawing the dough went well, it took about 5 hours just sitting on the bench, and because there is now have a cool change, didn't need refrigeration.  I just rolled it out and it was good to go.

I didn't take pics of the rolling, but with two rolls left to fill, I remembered that you might like more than just a bunch of words, so here is the first pic of my last two buns, prior to folding:

Then you fold in the diagonal corners and pinch them together to seal.

Then you fold THOSE corners into the centre and twist.

Place the twisted side down on a silpat, mark a red dot on the top for authenticity, and it's ready for baking !!

The bottom left one looks a bit like a homicide victim.

Then it's just a matter of baking them, but before I get to that, I want to tell you about a slight change I made to the filling.

I can't get hold of "Sour Cabbage" but intuition (and looking at it on the video) told me that good old shredded sauerkraut would substitute nicely (I rinsed it well, as per the directions in the recipe).  It did do admirably, as far as I can tell, however I haven't tasted sour cabbage before so cannot tell you exactly how the taste differed from the original.  I think it'd be pretty close, though.

So... on to the final product.  Here it is:

Mums oven cooks a little fast at the back, so next time I'll do them for 10 mins then turn them around.

They tasted good, and the inside filling had an unusual shape:

I might try leaving them this shape next time and baking them that way:

So that was my Buddocks experiment.  Tasty (as always) and very easy to do with the frozen dough.  Try making some and tell me how you went !!

Keep Cooking !

PS: I LOVE this recipe for pastry - I would use this for Cornish Pasties too - maybe I will sometime in a future post.


  1. FYI - sauerkraut is German for "Sour Cabbage" - I think your "substitution" works just fine ;-)

    1. True, but the one he had was a whole head - I wasn't sure if it might have a slightly different flavour as a result using the canned version. :p
